Episode 2: Revealing – Page 26
I want to issue an apology for the lateness of this comic over the last few months. I have been finishing up a college degree and also working as a graphic designer, which all left me pretty wiped out in my down time. But, the good news is that I finally graduated this month. I plan to devote more time to this comic as life permits (since I am now a full-time salaried worker, and learning a second language in a foreign country).
But don’t worry, in my hiatus I have been working on writing episode four and also trying to put together a website redesign. These are still projects on the not-so-far-back burner, since the script for episodes 2 and 3 are finished.
Episode 2 is nearing a close and I want to thank everyone who has held on to this comic over time and remained patient with me. If you are a new reader, then thank you also; I hope you stick around and enjoy the comic as much as I do.
If you want to help support me and my work, just please leave a comment here or on my twitter or facebook pages. Just knowing that I have readers and that I have their support, means a lot to me. Also, if you tell a friend or two about my site then that always helps too! :)
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