Episode 1: Awakening – Page 40
Episode 1 will be soon coming to a close! It feels pretty good, but I still have a lot of great things planned, so please keep reading. I am planning a print version of episode 1 soon and I hope to make some changes to the webcomic pages before they print. Don’t worry, I’m not going to George Lucas this thing, but there are a few frames and even a couple of pages that I would like to redraw or touch up before sending them off to the printer. First and foremost, the first three or so pages of this comic are not formatted properly, mostly because I was still trying things out back then. Those pages will either be heavily edited to fit the rest of the book, or perhaps even redrawn completely. The webcomic pages themselves, however, will remain as they are. One reason I’m doing this is so that the print book has some sort of look all it’s own, but another is to make it all nice and presentable-like before I try to put it in stores.
As for episode 2, the script is all done and I’m fairly satisfied with the rewrites. There shouldn’t be any sort of delay after the end of Episode 1 (I hope). I’m also super-secretly exploring my options in terms of merchandise. If that does happen, don’t expect it until around the release of the first printed book.
Anyway, it may be another month or two before the print version becomes a reality, so stay tuned. For now, enjoy the remainder of episode 1 and thanks for reading!
PS: Also, if you haven’t done so already, please take the time to follow me on twitter or facebook to get up to date news and to help spread the word. The links are on the side of this page. Thanks!
Even better than Excalibur! this sword doesn’t just loaf around in a rock waiting for a Chosen One. No, this fine blade will come to him/her by ITSELF!